Week 06 - Reflections
I’ve had quite a bit of fun getting the images together for this week’s panel using a large black glossy bathroom tile.
The first time I tried this was some time ago and I used a Romanescu Cauliflower as my subject – great form and colour for a reflection image.
So that’s what I needed for this shoot - subjects with colour, texture, detail and shape. I played for hours and could have gone on for days. Quite a few ideas didn’t make the cut but I ended up with ten that I liked. Let me know if you have a favourite.
Week 07 - Shoes I Want to Wear Again
We’ve all experienced a lot of lifestyle changes over the last year and as time goes by and this thing drags on I often find myself dreaming about the things I miss.
I think for all of us the first and most important thing on our list is family and friends but the list is long and probably different for each person.
I’ve missed live music, theatre, cinema, the pub, weekends away, holidays, parties, dancing, eating out and getting dressed up to go somewhere nice.
I have spent most of the last year wearing my “scruffies” (casual clothes), wearing hardly any make-up, and walking around in my “granny grumps” (slippers) , my “flat & comfies” (trainers and walking shoes) or my wellies! Having walked more miles in the last year than I had probably walked in the rest of my life and through the muddiest of places, these shoes have had a hard ride. They are worn out, dirty and sad!
I’m longing for the opportunity to wear my heels again – my party shoes, my dancing shoes.
Although I know I will be desperate to take most of them off by the end of the evening and will probably be hobbling on the way home, I have missed my “nice” shoes. Sore toes and aching bunions aside, nice shoes make you feel good!
So this week I have put together a panel of my favourite shoes. Shoes that haven’t seen the light of day for at least 10 months and needed a duster!
And it goes without saying that this is but a small selection of the many pairs of shoes hidden away in the wardrobe that I haven’t worn in a long time!!
And then there are the “flat and comfies” and wellies!! Ugly but useful!
Week 08 - Oil in Water with Colour
And so the lockdown continues and the weather is not great – very cold and mostly wet!
I am pretty much a fair-weather being so I haven’t been inspired to venture outside much – even if there was somewhere to go!
So again this week I found myself looking for ideas for indoor photography that didn’t involve people and portraits.
I have a lovely macro lens I haven’t used much. I painted a variety of card backgrounds ready for flower photos in the Spring. And I have a cupboard full of arts and crafts supplies I got for the grandchildren.
I have wanted to try Oil in Water photography for some time but never quite found the time. No excuses right now.
Thankfully I made the informed decision to set up in the kitchen diner (hard floor) rather than the studio/bedroom (carpeted), so the inevitable spillage wasn’t the disaster it could have been.
I may have mentioned once or twice that I love colour. Bright, bold and beautiful colour inspires me. And I went a little bit crazy and tried loads of colour and lighting combinations. Some worked better than others. I kept changing my mind on which colour and image I liked the best.
I had a lot of fun putting this together – I hope you like it.
Week 09 - Flowers, Getting Close with Macro
Having enjoyed playing with my macro lens last week I thought I’d get it on the camera again and try another subject.
I discovered a stall on Guildford market – Floral Fusions – selling some lovely flowers and a really nice chap who, when I told him I wanted the flowers for photography, sorted through to get me just what I wanted.
So I had perfect specimens for this week’s panel.
I had a great time photographing them and they keep on giving. The hyacinths smell divine and I’ve really enjoyed having all the flowers in the house this week. And when they begin to fade I might try freezing them and maybe I can create a “Flowers in Ice” panel some time soon. Watch this space!