I think we can agree that 2020 has been a difficult year for most of us and few will be sorry to see the back of it! I definitely won’t!

As a people photographer there have been challenges in 2020 - mainly a HUGE lack of opportunity and inspiration which has my photography in the doldrums.

So I was delighted when a group of friends suggested we get together and challenge ourselves in 2021.

The idea is to each shoot and post a panel of pictures every week throughout the year – hence the 52 Week Challenge 2021 was born.

It’s not a competition and the rules are few:

- We must each produce a panel of images per week.

- There are no set subjects so we are each taking a different approach, choosing individual topics, genres, styles to suit ourselves.

- We will be posting an unspecified number of images each Sunday, starting on 3 January.

The aim is to infuse the project with variety and lots of interesting images by avoiding rules.

What I’m doing:

My approach is to challenge myself with as many different genres, styles and subjects as I can manage – hopefully coming up with 52 different ideas!! 


52 Week Challenge 2021