Week 14 - Springtime Lambs

This is a sure sign that Spring is around the corner – new lambs.

 Since Lockdown walking in the countryside has become much more of a regular feature for those of us lucky enough to live so close.

 I have to admit that I never really thought of walking as my “go to” form of exercise before. But since the gyms closed and the parks got full, walking not only fills my need for exercise but by getting out in the countryside, it brings other benefits.

 Fresh air is probably the first thing that springs to mind but getting out in the countryside also delivers a sense of space and peace that is very therapeutic.

 A friend and I walk together and we had hoped to be able to photograph some new lambs last week but the farmer had moved mum’s and babies another field back from the public access.

 This probably allowed the flock their necessary sense of space and peace, but it proved to be too far for us to get any good pictures.

 However, this week we were lucky and got very close up to this flock. The lambs were quite playful and not particularly shy, probably due to the fact they were a little older.

 And we really enjoyed just standing and watching them and seeing the differences in their characters.

 So, exercise, fresh air, space, peace, entertainment and some cute pictures. Very rewarding.

Week 15 - Surrey Walks

Before lockdown my exercise would mostly take place in the gym supplemented with short walks / runs in the park near to my home. But the gyms (and everything else) closed and everyone took to the park for their exercise.

Being a bit super-cautious I used the park less as it became more crowded and so looked for routes more off the beaten track.

Having lived in Guildford for more than 30 years and being a bit of a “townie” by nature, I had explored very little and had no idea of the beautiful locations that were just a short way beyond my normal horizons.

And of course there has been more time available for exploration recently but I have to admit I would have discovered less without the guidance and encouragement of a well informed friend and fellow photographer, Gachou.

So lockdown (and Gachou) has helped me appreciate living in Surrey and the wonderful countryside around us. And when life gets back to normal I will make the effort to still visit it often.

Week 16 - No Meat, No Dairy, No Eggs

I’ve been following a plant based diet for almost two years now and to be honest it was not such a great leap for me as I had never been keen on eating meat even as a child.

Also I never ate eggs unless they were heavily disguised in cake!

But CHEESE! OMG – I found it hard to give up my favourite food! But it is so easy now to find such great non-dairy alternatives to all types of regular cheeses.

My daughter (also a vegan) and I have just been to the Vegan Market in Guildford today and returned well stocked with an amazing selection of vegan cheeses that I can’t wait to try – especially the blue cheese!

There are so many good reasons for following this regimen but for me the number one positive is the health benefits I have experienced since becoming vegan. They are well worth the change in diet for me.

Week 17 - Vases

Nature or Nurture?  Is hoarding in the genes or is it learned behaviour? Not sure.

My dad was a confirmed hoarder of the first order, my mum was recently labelled a hoarder (somewhat unjustly as she only hoards things related to patchwork and needlework) but I didn’t think I was a hoarder. Hhhmmm….

This week I had already bought some nice flowers for myself when I was given another lovely big bunch of tulips by a friend and so had to sort out a couple of extra vases.

This is when I realised how many vases I had collected over the years now in cupboards all over the house. All types of vases in a variety of colours, materials and sizes.

But can call yourself a collector if the collection was unintentional? This is how I concluded that, either by nature or nurture, I have hoarding tendencies!!

So I decided to make vases the subject of this week’s panel. Here are just a few of the many I had to choose from.