A Year in the Life of Millie
Millie - 1 week old
Since Sept 2021 I have had the privilege of photographing a miniature super model called Millie!
At each of the photoshoots we have scheduled so far Millie has shown up in her best form, happy, smiley and very patient with multiple costume changes!
Having just completed her 9 months photoshoot, we have had 6 shoots to date, with only one to go when the little star reaches her 1st birthday.
Soft, sleepy and pretty in pink
Millie was such a little angel at her first session.
At our second session Millie was 6 weeks old.
Wide eyed and super cute. Not a bit sleepy!
This is Millie at her 3 months old photoshoot.
So happy and smiley. Her big blue eyes full of sparkle.
Our next photoshoot was at her Christening, just before her half birthday.
Millie took the whole day in her stride, remaining her gorgeous, good-natured self throughout.
At 6 months old Millie was just starting to enjoy some “tummy time”.
Just look at those eyes!
Having reached 9 months old, Millie is full of life.
She is such a happy little girl. It has been a pleasure having such a willing model.
Millie’s 1st birthday
Balloons followed by cake smash and a bath. Great fun!